Thursday, February 26, 2009

Week Six

This week we continued preparing for our final project by discussing what the future of Phoenix can be. The students brainstormed all of the different things that make up a city using the categories: Live, Work, Play, Connect, and Consume. We explored these concepts through creative movement and discussed which were the most important for our city. Students chose things like shelters, apartments, fire and police stations, media centers, farmers' markets and parks. Then each of them created the basic shape of one of these and decided together how they should be placed on the map. What places should be located near each other? Did they need privacy or would they benefit from being near a main road? Should some of the residential be given views to the canal? It is a discussion we plan to continue in the upcoming weeks. Our map is now displayed in the cafeteria for the entire school to enjoy.
Most importantly, we talked about our purpose. Each of us has the ability to change the world! How? One voice in one room that changes one city that influences the entire state that then effects the nation and finally makes a difference in the world. That's how! And we hope to challenge this very idea in the classroom through the design of our very own Phoenix of the future. We're fired up! We're ready to go!!
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