This week at artspace, we focused on working in 3-D. On Tuesday, students were asked to choose a building and adjective and then create a paper model of it. They were given a brief time and limited resources: paper and tape. It was wonderful to see the amazing forms that came out of the exercise! The students were truly resourceful and imaginative. They explored ideas of connection, form, and structure through the process.
Thursday, we began to discuss the City of Phoenix. What is it like to live in Phoenix? Does the city work? What are the positive and negative aspects of Phoenix? And most importantly, the students began to imagine what they would want Phoenix to be like in the future. They wrote their thoughts in their journals then used their writings as inspiration for the boxes displayed above. Some of the ideas they talked about were shade, new types of transportation, and having work close to home. We hope the boxes will help us remember all of these important ideas as the class begins to think about the design of their own future version of Phoenix!
Mr. Braden & Ms. Audrey
You all are doing a great job. Keep up the great work. I know the kids must look forward to coming to ArtSpace and being creative.